A RIDDLE: A man purchases a bottle and a cork for $1.10. The bottle cost one dollar more than the cork. How
much was each item?
ANSWER: If you answered ten cents that is incorrect.
The bottle cost a dollar more than the cork. The bottle cost $1.05, the cork cost .05 cents!
A COOL BET: Arrange six pennies in the form of a cross. 4 going up and 3 across. The bet is to
re-arrange the pennies so that they will total four both ways.
Remove the penny at the bottom of the cross and place it ON TOP of the penny in the middle of the cross!
IT CANT BE DONE: Tell a friend that you can place them in such a position
that they will be unable to lift their left foot from the floor although their foot is free. Tell them to stand against a
wall with their right cheek touching the wall and the side of their right foot also touching the wall. Now tell them to try
and lift their left foot. They can't do it! It's impossible! Try it on yourself!
DICE TRICK: Tell a friend to roll 3 dice while your back is turned. Have them total up the 3 numbers that
come up. Now tell them to turn over any one of the dice and add the bottom number. Now have them throw the same one they turned
over and add whatever number comes up. You can instantly turn around and name the total!
SECRET: Add 7 to the total you see on the table.
BUSINESS CARD TRICK: Find a business card and poke a small pen-size hole in it. Place a quarter on a table and ask
someone if they can push the quarter through the small hole without tearing the business card. When they realize they can't
figure it out set the quarter back on the table, pick up the pen and put it through the hole in the card. Then proceed to
push the quarter with the pen across the table. The trick was to push the quarter thru the hole!
JOKE: A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says, "Hey!, They named a drink
after you!" To which the grasshopper replies, "Really? There's a drinkcalled Stan?" Are you having fun yet? Practice, practice,
MAGIC NUMBERS: Challenge your friends to make eight 8's
total 1000. This is not easy if you don't know how!
Add the 8's this way: 8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888 = 1000
THE ROBBER JOKE: Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask ran up to a well-dressed man, pulled out a gun and said, "Give me all of
your money!" The well-dressed man then says, "I am the mayor of this city!" So the robber says, "OK, Then give me all of my
MUSICIAN JOKE: Son to Father: I want to be a musician
when I grow up! The father says, "You can't have it both ways!"
A FUNNY GAG!: When you have to introduce two people whom have never met before tell one of them that the person
they are about to meet is hard of hearing and very sensitive about it so they will have to speak very loud when introducing
themselves. Now go and tell the other person the same story. When they are about to meet sit back and watch the fun!
SECURA: Ask a bunch of people to make a common word using these letters,
S E C U R A. There is only one possible word yet few people think of it.
QUARTER FOR HALFS: Say to someone, "For
every half dollar you can make stand on edge, I'll give you a quarter. When they make the half dollar stand on edge, take
it and give them the quarter. (You might have to know how to run fast to perform this)
CONFUSED WAITRESS TIP: While in a restaurant fill a glass full of water and drop four quarters in it.
Then place a menu over the top of it and hold it down to create an airseal. Turn everything over and set the menu, glass,
and quarters onto the table upside down. The airseal will keep the water from leaking out and you can tip it upside down.
Now the waiter or waitress will have to try and figure out how to get the tip out of the glass of water without spilling it.
Try this at home first. Over the sink!
FIVE FINGER FLOATING: A person can be lifted
with five fingers. Here's how. One person places a finger under his shoe. Another person places a finger under his other shoe.
a third person places their finger under the elbow. A fourth person places his finger under his other elbow. A fifth person
places a finger under his chin. Now all lift at once and he can be raised at least two feet off the floor with ease.
some of these tricks on your friends over the phone!
GUESS ANYONE'S AGE: Ask anyone to think of the month in which they were born, for example, January is 1, February is 2, etc. Multiply it
by two;add 5;multiply that by 50;add their age;subtract 365;add 115;now ask the result. The last two numbers will reveal the
age and the first two will reveal the month in which they were born.
SHOES AND SOCKS: Bet someone that they can't take the shoes and socks off all by themselves. When they challenge
you and start to take their shoes and socks off do it with them. That way they're not doing it by themselves!
OPENING DOORS: The only reason you see a guy opening a door for his girlfriend
anymore is because either the girlfriend is new or the car is!
TRAVELING JOKE: How do you know when you have been traveling too much? When you have to recieve wake up calls on your car phone!
LEN RIDDLE: Len always has it before. Paul takes it behind. Bryan has never
had it at all. Girls can only have it once. Boys don't need it. Mrs. Mulligan, the widow, has it twice in a row. Dr. Lowell
of Harvard has it twice as bad at the end as at the beginning. What is it?
ANSWER: The letter L
JUMP TABLES: Bet a bunch
of friends that you can put three tables together, take your shoes and socks off and jump over them. They'll be anxious to
bet that you can't. Take the bet money in hand then proceed to push the three tables together, take off your shoes and socks
and jump over the shoes and socks. Then pick up your stuff and run as fast as you can!
OBSERVATION TEST?: These are things that everyone has observed
at one time or another:
b 1. How many times does the numeral one or the word one appear
on a one-dollar bill? Serial numbers don't count. 2. Which light, green, or red, appears on top of a traffic signal? 3.
On which side of the sink is the hot water tap usually found? 4. Which way does the eagle's head face on a quarter? 5.
Are the buttonholes of a man's shirt vertical or horizontal? 6. Does the keyboard of a piano begin with one or two white
keys? 7. In a deck of playing cards, which king is in profile?
ANSWERS: 1. From 22 to 28 times. 2. The red light appears on top. 3. The hot
water tap is usually on the left side. 4. The eagle's head faces left. 5. Buttonholes are vertical. 6. One white
key. 7. The king of diamonds.
Free will or forced thought? You be the judge. Check out the following exercise,
guaranteed to raise an eyebrow. There's no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions
one at a time and as quickly as you can! Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them...
really. Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something)......... What is: 1+5 2+4 3+3 4+2 5+1 Now
repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds. Then scroll down.
Then arrow down.
Keep going.
You're thinking of a carrot, right?
If not, you're among the 2% of the
population whose minds are different enough to think of something else. 98% of people will answer with carrot when given this
More tricks and jokes will be added soon.
Dan Dobson * 676 70th St, B5, Niagara Falls, New York 14304
* PHONE: 716-990-4367 or Email: actone@usa.com